Monday, July 9, 2018

Things that make me happy

I ran across this Microsoft document from over a year ago. I wrote a list of little things that bring me joy...hope you like it!

Things that make me happy!
1.Hot cup of strong coffee
2. Vanilla candles
3.Warm fire on a fall night
4.My blankets and pillows
5. My soft unicorn pants (that sadly got a hole in them)
6.Flowers-any flowers, surprise flowers that pop up despite the cold. Like those buttercups.
7. The stars and the moon…just looking up at the sky so long your neck starts to cramp (or if you're smart just lay down )
8. Watching the trees bloom..well anything bloom
9. Dogwoods
10.Climbing trees
11.Warm lemon cake/lemon bars/lemon cookies
12.Hugs--I mean real ones, not those little side polite stupid hugs
13. The first bite of food when you’re really hungry
14. Stepping into a warm house after being out in the cold
15.Birds singing
16.Picking up my cat----well any cat and hearing their soft ‘meow’
17. A new necklace
18.Singing to my favorite songs---singing always calms me and brightens up in the room---just singing anything that I have to say----singing always helps!
19. Random dance session for no reason
20. The presence of my loved ones (that safe security cozy feeling that comes with them)
21. Knowing I'm not alone in my crazy 
22. waking up to a beautiful winter snow....and that delicious crunch sound it makes as you walk around in it (also snow cream is great)
23. The soreness in my muscles after a really great workout
24. daydreaming
25. Making someone laugh so hard that they do something embarrassing like snorting or coughing up food/drink
26. sitting down with your favorite snacks to watch a movie
27. The wonderful, silly way kids play
28. Chocolate oatmeal cookies
29. A good book that makes you think and makes you cry
30. Listening to a new song for the first time and realizing it has just become your favorite song (and all the hundreds of times you'll play it again until you can sing all the words dramatically as if you are the artist who wrote it)
-----that's all for now!!!