Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Settlin' In...

It's been just over a month, but it feels longer. (In a good way) I was told it will take about three months to really settle in, get into a routine, and generally stop feeling like a fish out of water. But for me, that wasn't true. I already, for the most part, feel comfortable. It wasn't as hard as I thought. I really think I got very, very lucky and I am so surprised at my blessings....and here's the list:

1. Former co-teachers...Natalie and Kenny...they immediately took me in and for a brief two days, introduced me to my new world. It was very hectic, and there a a few times I wanted to pull my hair out, but still they really helped me! They showed me some of my neighborhood, how to use all the Korean appliances (huge blessing, seriously...I'm already technically challenged) and left me soooo many things they couldn't take with them. I can't tell you how much that meant. I didn't have to buy bedding, kitchen supplies, laundry detergent, dish soap, ivory soap (lots of soap!), a whole cabinet of Advil, Pepto-Bismol, Q-Tips, shampoo, an electric adapter, and even toilet paper!!! Really and truly, they were life savers...

2. My school manager and boss....they are soooo laid back and funny. They accepted my crazy (and the many mistakes I made) without batting an eye. Liz, manager and teacher, is truly wonderful. Nothing seems to bother her. She really is so chill...and I'm either hyper or ready to smack kids upside the head. She has really helped me at school. And she's taken me out, bought me dinners, and welcomed me into her life so graciously. My boss, Trisha, is very sweet. She doesn't speak much English, but she's so animated that sometimes I can understand exactly what she is saying. She has a motherly side to her...she feeds me at school...she's worried I'm too skinny...and helps me with some of the crazier classes. It's funny...when she walks in, the kids quickly shut up. I wish I had that power...sadly, the kids see me like a foreign toy....she's funny and entertaining, but you don't really have to listen to her...Trisha quickly fixes that problem!!! :)

Liz and some of the students...they are eating intestines and liver and other parts of some looked really gross and I am not that brave...

3. My kids....sometimes a blessing and sometimes a curse. I am just glad the classes are small. I wouldn't know what to do if my classes had thirty or more kids like the public schools!! Goodness, no least not my first year. :) I already have my favorite classes...and the worst. My special kids...then the others I would like to throw out the window. But at the end of the day...I'm always smiling. I have never left the school at night and wish I was somewhere else. (I may be singing a different tune in a few months, but for now, I'm content) I see it like this...the classes are fifty minutes. I can handle them for that long. And this is a year of my will go by so fast.

This is my youngest class...around 4 or 5...yes, they are very cute...then they talk...sometimes I think these are devil children...yes, harsh, but oh, so true. From Left to Right: Mary (my fav), Robert (always daydreaming I think), Adam (Satan, truly, He's the ringleader of trouble) and Ryan (the smart one, but always pouting).

Little Kevin...very cute, but never, never pays attention in class...I'm afraid he's very slow and so I'm pretty sure he has no clue what's going on or what I'm saying. Every time I ask him, "How are you Kevin?" He says, "I"m Angry!!" and's actually hilarious...I think that's the only emotion he knows in English. :)

 These boys are part of my worst class...sorry but it's true...and they are part of the reason!! The tween boys are truly bad...seriously...but outside of class I love them. From left to right: Kevin (not in their class), Aron (that's how he spells it), Jason (never shuts up), and Cyrus (brother of Aron, and according to the Korean teacher, both brothers curse alot, mainly about the teacher..I guess that sounds bad, but it's kinda funny...I'm glad I don't understand or I would have done more than make them write the class rules ten times...) As you can see...not paying attention to the teacher at all...oh, so shocking...
 Two of my very sweet, angel students. They always listen to me...and think I'm funny. Sadly, they are in the class with the horrible boys...I feel sorry for them...and they hate the boys. From left to right: Lily and Aimy...very smart them

4. New peeps...I've met some really great people thus far...very quickly. It just surprises me...that usually never happens. I've had fun and I know I will continue to have fun and meet even more people this summer! I just want to meet as many people as I can while I'm here. (Yes, I'm still the annoying new girl who gets excited about everything and is ridiculously hyper...I make no apologies)

I have no idea about the future...if I will stay or go...if I will go to another school or back to the states...or another country....I am already thinking about it, because I know how fast this will go and this time around, I want to be prepared...but for now, I'm happy, even when I wake up and dread going to school...yes, I do sometimes, but the feeling always passes as I walk to school and realize I'm in Korea. I still get that excited feeling, like a kid in the candy store...I can't wait to try as many new things as I can!! And while I still feel like this...I don't want to slow down...