Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Day At Work

So I thought I would share my day with you. Not that it was particularly spectacular, but maybe by writing it down I will discover the beauty in a 'normal' day. I began my day very slowly. I could not get up this morning...I was still tired from the day before. I had to get up early and take a trip to the hospital to get my health card so I could get my alien card later this month. (I kinda think it's cool I'm going to have an alien card.) So, yesterday was a long day. This morning I think I pushed snooze five times. I am the kind of person who thinks that I will get up early and accomplish all my goals I neglected the night before. Never mind the many years I have spent being a night owl...and suddenly this morning of all mornings,  I'm going to be the early bird!! I can't tell you how many times I've thought I would actually do that. Ha.

So the morning was draggy. But I did think to myself, "Man, I'm in Korea." It still surprises me. I have dreamed of being brave enough to live in another country...oh, so many times. But I never thought it would actually happen...especially after college. I chose a school (good school) that was too expensive and ended up with many loans. One of the big regrets in my life. If I could turn back time, I would have changed that. But, then again, I wouldn't be in Korea if I didn't have loans. That was one of the factors. By the end of the year, I won't have my loans paid off...but I will have a new beginning. So, I guess, out of something I greatly regret, a great adventure is born. If something that was once considered bad, suddenly helps you find something good...was it ever really bad?

So, anyways, I'm walking to school and stop by the coffee shop. That has already become a staple. I hope not to do this every morning...but the smell of coffee has always drawn me in....than the beautiful artsy, relaxing atmosphere makes me want to stay forever. I like to sit and look over my lesson plans for the day. (One of those morning goals I thought I would accomplish.)

After my mini break, I head to school...usually before the boss or manager. They both are usually late. And the biggest shocker of all...I'm the first one there. I give myself a couple of weeks, then that will change as well. I like to sit in my little corner in front of the door and look over the books again. Or daydream. Guess which one I do the most? I like the quiet. There is noise every way...which I like. But it distracts me...which happens quite easily. It's nice to drink in the silence.

The manager, Liz, arrives and we go in. The first hour is planning hour. I write the homework in my lesson plan folders and make copies I need for class. This is the hour that I say a quick prayer, especially if I have the young 3-4 year olds. I already dread them and I've only had that class three times. It's usually every other day. They are so very hard to handle!! And it's the first class. But today I didn't have them. (That's tomorrow's worry/prayer/blessing)

The classes I had are a blur already. I do remember the boss stepping into my classes more than usual. But she means well, even though I feel like what little control I have is taken out of my hands. What she's really doing is making sure the kids are listening and doing as they are told. This is good, since I'm new and don't know what exactly is wrong yet. Except for the obvious things. For example, I learned today they are not supposed to have snacks. I'm personally okay with that, I mean these kids are coming from their main school. I remember I was always starving after school, and mom would always have a snack. But I don't make the rules...but if they sneak something in, I will look the other way...

I do remember one kid, Harry. He is soft spoken and is always ready and listening. I like him. I gave them a spelling test and he only missed one. Poor thing started crying because he missed one. Oh, man, I wanted to hold him. All my 'good jobs' and pats on the back didn't console him. He reminded me of, well, me. I remember being like that when I was little. I would study until I had my notes memorized. And spelling tests especially worried me. I would make my mom drill me until I had them perfectly. I was never a good speller, so I really stressed about it. Poor Harry...I understand completely.

After class, I sometimes have a chance to sit down with Liz, the manager, and Lee, the bus driver. He drives some of our students home and other students at other schools. Lee can't speak English and I can't speak Korean so Liz usually has to translate. Both of us want the other to learn the other language. I want to learn, but I'm giving myself a month to settle first. Lee is Buddhist and is very devout. He goes to temple every morning. He loves to talk religion. He says he has studied other religions and started telling me about what he knew about Christianity. It was mainly Catholicism. He wasn't trying to argue, just have a philosophical conversation. Of course, it was hard because of the language barrier. But even speaking Korean, I like the way he talks. He has much to say and speaks with a poetic rhythm. I like to listen to his voice. He ended up reading my palm. Apparently I'm going to have a long life. But he said the same thing about Liz and himself, so I'm not sure if I believe him. I told him I wanted to go with him to his temple sometime and he was excited about that. I hope that happens. I want to see and experience everything that I possibly can! I will only be here for a short time...with these people for such a short time...and may never see them again. That thought makes me want to never sleep!!

But one day at a time, right??