Saturday, May 5, 2012

The plane...and My Love Motel

So I made it through my first week in Busan!! I must admit, it started out rough...simply because I was sooo exhausted!! First, let's talk about the plane. It was the biggest plane I've ever been on. (Yes, I haven't traveled extensively, but that's changing now! :)) There were many kids on the flight, so not much sleep at all. I probably wouldn't have been able to sleep because my sit was so cramped. The flight attendants made it so much better!! They were so kind and fed us all the way there! They were constantly working, bringing us drinks and snacks and slippers...and all the time their makeup and hair were perfect. I mean absolutely perfect. One hour after I get ready in the morning I already looked frazzled...but even after more than fourteen hours of travel these girls looked like they just woke up! I was very impressed. :)

So I finally arrive in Seoul, Korea, than my next step is to get my bags, get on a bus to the domestic airport and fly to Busan. Now I was worried about this the whole flight. I was going to be tired, surrounded by people and signs I didn't understand and a flight I couldn't miss because than I would be stranded in a very large, strange city with no contacts. Surprisingly, I made it just fine without any problem. People are friendly and want to help...especially a lots little American like me.

When I got there I had dinner with the school manager, Liz, and her friend Brian. Liz's English is very good. We understood each other very well (sigh of relief), although I'm still wondering if I said some really stupid things because I was so tired. I think I rambled on a little, but I don't think she understood everything I said. Her friend Brian was very nice, but did not talk very much with me. I know he understood English more than he would say. I'm slowly discovering this to be true about many Koreans. It's not that they don't understand, it's that they feel very uncomfortable speaking English.

Next I finally made it to my motel, well I nicknamed it 'love motel.' And it was exactly how it sounds. You know, here in America, those lovely little motels all over our country that are used for...well...not exactly a motel suitable for family vacation? That's what this hotel was...literally...Liz was joking about it later on. It just happened to be the closest motel to the school. The school is surrounded by shopping areas...businesses...other private schools...and apartments. A nicer hotel was too far away. The hotel, or motel, wasn't anything I pictured, but honestly, I was too tired to care. I would only be there for three I didn't care. There is a video on my facebook if you would like to see what it looked like. Honestly, it wasn't bad....I couldn't sleep a wink...but really it was because everything was new...not really because of the hotel.

More later!!!