Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Settlin' In...

It's been just over a month, but it feels longer. (In a good way) I was told it will take about three months to really settle in, get into a routine, and generally stop feeling like a fish out of water. But for me, that wasn't true. I already, for the most part, feel comfortable. It wasn't as hard as I thought. I really think I got very, very lucky and I am so surprised at my blessings....and here's the list:

1. Former co-teachers...Natalie and Kenny...they immediately took me in and for a brief two days, introduced me to my new world. It was very hectic, and there a a few times I wanted to pull my hair out, but still they really helped me! They showed me some of my neighborhood, how to use all the Korean appliances (huge blessing, seriously...I'm already technically challenged) and left me soooo many things they couldn't take with them. I can't tell you how much that meant. I didn't have to buy bedding, kitchen supplies, laundry detergent, dish soap, ivory soap (lots of soap!), a whole cabinet of Advil, Pepto-Bismol, Q-Tips, shampoo, an electric adapter, and even toilet paper!!! Really and truly, they were life savers...

2. My school manager and boss....they are soooo laid back and funny. They accepted my crazy (and the many mistakes I made) without batting an eye. Liz, manager and teacher, is truly wonderful. Nothing seems to bother her. She really is so chill...and I'm either hyper or ready to smack kids upside the head. She has really helped me at school. And she's taken me out, bought me dinners, and welcomed me into her life so graciously. My boss, Trisha, is very sweet. She doesn't speak much English, but she's so animated that sometimes I can understand exactly what she is saying. She has a motherly side to her...she feeds me at school...she's worried I'm too skinny...and helps me with some of the crazier classes. It's funny...when she walks in, the kids quickly shut up. I wish I had that power...sadly, the kids see me like a foreign toy....she's funny and entertaining, but you don't really have to listen to her...Trisha quickly fixes that problem!!! :)

Liz and some of the students...they are eating intestines and liver and other parts of some looked really gross and I am not that brave...

3. My kids....sometimes a blessing and sometimes a curse. I am just glad the classes are small. I wouldn't know what to do if my classes had thirty or more kids like the public schools!! Goodness, no least not my first year. :) I already have my favorite classes...and the worst. My special kids...then the others I would like to throw out the window. But at the end of the day...I'm always smiling. I have never left the school at night and wish I was somewhere else. (I may be singing a different tune in a few months, but for now, I'm content) I see it like this...the classes are fifty minutes. I can handle them for that long. And this is a year of my will go by so fast.

This is my youngest class...around 4 or 5...yes, they are very cute...then they talk...sometimes I think these are devil children...yes, harsh, but oh, so true. From Left to Right: Mary (my fav), Robert (always daydreaming I think), Adam (Satan, truly, He's the ringleader of trouble) and Ryan (the smart one, but always pouting).

Little Kevin...very cute, but never, never pays attention in class...I'm afraid he's very slow and so I'm pretty sure he has no clue what's going on or what I'm saying. Every time I ask him, "How are you Kevin?" He says, "I"m Angry!!" and's actually hilarious...I think that's the only emotion he knows in English. :)

 These boys are part of my worst class...sorry but it's true...and they are part of the reason!! The tween boys are truly bad...seriously...but outside of class I love them. From left to right: Kevin (not in their class), Aron (that's how he spells it), Jason (never shuts up), and Cyrus (brother of Aron, and according to the Korean teacher, both brothers curse alot, mainly about the teacher..I guess that sounds bad, but it's kinda funny...I'm glad I don't understand or I would have done more than make them write the class rules ten times...) As you can see...not paying attention to the teacher at all...oh, so shocking...
 Two of my very sweet, angel students. They always listen to me...and think I'm funny. Sadly, they are in the class with the horrible boys...I feel sorry for them...and they hate the boys. From left to right: Lily and Aimy...very smart them

4. New peeps...I've met some really great people thus far...very quickly. It just surprises me...that usually never happens. I've had fun and I know I will continue to have fun and meet even more people this summer! I just want to meet as many people as I can while I'm here. (Yes, I'm still the annoying new girl who gets excited about everything and is ridiculously hyper...I make no apologies)

I have no idea about the future...if I will stay or go...if I will go to another school or back to the states...or another country....I am already thinking about it, because I know how fast this will go and this time around, I want to be prepared...but for now, I'm happy, even when I wake up and dread going to school...yes, I do sometimes, but the feeling always passes as I walk to school and realize I'm in Korea. I still get that excited feeling, like a kid in the candy store...I can't wait to try as many new things as I can!! And while I still feel like this...I don't want to slow down...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Day At Work

So I thought I would share my day with you. Not that it was particularly spectacular, but maybe by writing it down I will discover the beauty in a 'normal' day. I began my day very slowly. I could not get up this morning...I was still tired from the day before. I had to get up early and take a trip to the hospital to get my health card so I could get my alien card later this month. (I kinda think it's cool I'm going to have an alien card.) So, yesterday was a long day. This morning I think I pushed snooze five times. I am the kind of person who thinks that I will get up early and accomplish all my goals I neglected the night before. Never mind the many years I have spent being a night owl...and suddenly this morning of all mornings,  I'm going to be the early bird!! I can't tell you how many times I've thought I would actually do that. Ha.

So the morning was draggy. But I did think to myself, "Man, I'm in Korea." It still surprises me. I have dreamed of being brave enough to live in another country...oh, so many times. But I never thought it would actually happen...especially after college. I chose a school (good school) that was too expensive and ended up with many loans. One of the big regrets in my life. If I could turn back time, I would have changed that. But, then again, I wouldn't be in Korea if I didn't have loans. That was one of the factors. By the end of the year, I won't have my loans paid off...but I will have a new beginning. So, I guess, out of something I greatly regret, a great adventure is born. If something that was once considered bad, suddenly helps you find something good...was it ever really bad?

So, anyways, I'm walking to school and stop by the coffee shop. That has already become a staple. I hope not to do this every morning...but the smell of coffee has always drawn me in....than the beautiful artsy, relaxing atmosphere makes me want to stay forever. I like to sit and look over my lesson plans for the day. (One of those morning goals I thought I would accomplish.)

After my mini break, I head to school...usually before the boss or manager. They both are usually late. And the biggest shocker of all...I'm the first one there. I give myself a couple of weeks, then that will change as well. I like to sit in my little corner in front of the door and look over the books again. Or daydream. Guess which one I do the most? I like the quiet. There is noise every way...which I like. But it distracts me...which happens quite easily. It's nice to drink in the silence.

The manager, Liz, arrives and we go in. The first hour is planning hour. I write the homework in my lesson plan folders and make copies I need for class. This is the hour that I say a quick prayer, especially if I have the young 3-4 year olds. I already dread them and I've only had that class three times. It's usually every other day. They are so very hard to handle!! And it's the first class. But today I didn't have them. (That's tomorrow's worry/prayer/blessing)

The classes I had are a blur already. I do remember the boss stepping into my classes more than usual. But she means well, even though I feel like what little control I have is taken out of my hands. What she's really doing is making sure the kids are listening and doing as they are told. This is good, since I'm new and don't know what exactly is wrong yet. Except for the obvious things. For example, I learned today they are not supposed to have snacks. I'm personally okay with that, I mean these kids are coming from their main school. I remember I was always starving after school, and mom would always have a snack. But I don't make the rules...but if they sneak something in, I will look the other way...

I do remember one kid, Harry. He is soft spoken and is always ready and listening. I like him. I gave them a spelling test and he only missed one. Poor thing started crying because he missed one. Oh, man, I wanted to hold him. All my 'good jobs' and pats on the back didn't console him. He reminded me of, well, me. I remember being like that when I was little. I would study until I had my notes memorized. And spelling tests especially worried me. I would make my mom drill me until I had them perfectly. I was never a good speller, so I really stressed about it. Poor Harry...I understand completely.

After class, I sometimes have a chance to sit down with Liz, the manager, and Lee, the bus driver. He drives some of our students home and other students at other schools. Lee can't speak English and I can't speak Korean so Liz usually has to translate. Both of us want the other to learn the other language. I want to learn, but I'm giving myself a month to settle first. Lee is Buddhist and is very devout. He goes to temple every morning. He loves to talk religion. He says he has studied other religions and started telling me about what he knew about Christianity. It was mainly Catholicism. He wasn't trying to argue, just have a philosophical conversation. Of course, it was hard because of the language barrier. But even speaking Korean, I like the way he talks. He has much to say and speaks with a poetic rhythm. I like to listen to his voice. He ended up reading my palm. Apparently I'm going to have a long life. But he said the same thing about Liz and himself, so I'm not sure if I believe him. I told him I wanted to go with him to his temple sometime and he was excited about that. I hope that happens. I want to see and experience everything that I possibly can! I will only be here for a short time...with these people for such a short time...and may never see them again. That thought makes me want to never sleep!!

But one day at a time, right??

Saturday, May 5, 2012

First Weekend in Busan

So originally I thought the first weekend would be me alone in my apartment still unpacking. Well, that's what I'm doing right now on Sunday (actually I'm updating my blog and trying to get these videos to work. haha) but Saturday some very nice foreign teachers took me out on the town!! (Not town, obviously, but BIGGEST city I've ever lived in!!) Two of the teachers work at a hagwon right across from that's how we met. And I'm am oh, so very grateful. I hope to meet more! ( just haven't figured that out yet....I found some places online, but they seem sketchy)

They took me to one hot spot: Shinsegae, biggest mall in the world!!! To me, it was like a ritzy mall in the Palm Beaches, just Korean style. The mall has an ice rink and golf range! Crazy! We ate in the mall, I don't remember what I had...I just pointed at a picture, but it was really, really good. I like the food thus far, just haven't tried anything too crazy. One step at a time...maybe that can be for next weekend!

We, then, walked to the beach. I have done alot of walking since I've gotten here and I really like it. Sometimes, it's just best to walk and see what you discover. There is something new just around the corner. The economy here is least in the city. There are little stores everywhere!! And coffee shops on every corner (I think I'm in heaven) night every store has lit up signs...I can't wait to go out at night and see what I discover!!

It was so warm and sunny, the perfect day to walk to the beach!! The beach was pretty, but there were big city building surrounding it, which is something I'm not used to at all. Still, I got the chance to see little kids play, people of all ages flying kites, and actually groups of foreigners!! Now, here is something that surprised me! I really wanted to go up to them and see where they were from and if they were teachers too (which is the most likely explanation...or engineers), but the teachers in my group didn't really want to talk to them. And the groups didn't really want to talk to us. It was weird, but then I realized why did I want to talk to them? Just because they were foreigners? Yes, of course, duh. But I wouldn't do that at home now would I?

So, I didn't talk to them. But I think I will next time. Yeah, I'm in another country, and I just arrived so I'm still excited. I really, really, really want to meet people now. And I'm going to use that to my advantage for right now. I'm curious to know everyone's stories. I can't wait to go back to the beach.

We then walked down the beach and down a street and discovered a carnival going on! Yay, something I know! There was a huge ferris wheel, cotton candy and everything! We didn't actually go on any rides...super, duper tired, but it was f un to watch the kids and just discover something new!!!

Training Day

So, Monday was my only training day...and man was it overwhelming!!! I just wasn't getting it at all, but I think it was because I was so very tired. As it turns out, it wasn't that confusing. Yes, there are many things I still have to learn, but the main thing at this school is to get the kids to talk in English. The lessons are guidelines to that communication. The books give you words and themes and I have to get them to talk. Like I said before, it's not necessary that they don't know English, it's that they are not comfortable speaking in English. That makes sense to me. I remember learning Spanish. Reading and writing was the easy part, but the speaking wasn't. I dreaded to speaking tests, and sadly my classes didn't do enough of those. Maybe that's what public school is like here. These kids go to other schools, sometimes it's the same one as other students, sometimes it's differnt. One of my students in a higher level explained it to me: They are go to some form of public school, than they go to private, hagwons, for more education on different subjects. Each hagwon is for something different. Mine is English. There are other hagwons for math,science, etc. So some of these kids go to school all day and into the night. I already feel bad assigning homework. But that is the culture here and they are used to it. The kids seems happy. I am still learning, so I may not be explaining this correctly, but that is what I know thus far.

There is a video on facebook if you want to check it out!! Again, I's just not working on here! :)

Now, excuse the way I look...I was still oh, so very tired. But it was crazy how the second day went! I did great! And the kids told the school manager they really liked me! I think they like my energy. It's funny because I was over energetic simply to try to keep myself awake and to cover up my mistakes. The kids are really good kids, but they are also kids. They have been in school all day, and now they are with me. I really got to be as eneregetic as I possibly can!

I start work at 1:30, then usually will be having classes from 2:30-8:30. As far as I can tell, I will have about 6 classes everyday. I am the only foreign teacher now, so I get all of the conversation classes and I think some of the reading classes. Toward the end of the week, I did begin to get a little lonely. There are people everywhere and really sweet kids, but there is a distinct language barrier. Even between me and the school manager, Liz. I can talk to her pretty well, but still there is a line. I think with time, I will find other ways to communicate, but for now, it's weird.

But over all, I adjusted so well!! I'm still surprised by it. I mean, I made mistakes in assigning homework. And believe me, the kids quickly corrected me. They know when their schedule or homework is different. They also corrected me when I did the class differently than the way they are used to. Haha. They better get used to that, I've never been one to stick to a schedule...

After the second day, I finally could breathe, and sleep, and smile...


The plane...and My Love Motel

So I made it through my first week in Busan!! I must admit, it started out rough...simply because I was sooo exhausted!! First, let's talk about the plane. It was the biggest plane I've ever been on. (Yes, I haven't traveled extensively, but that's changing now! :)) There were many kids on the flight, so not much sleep at all. I probably wouldn't have been able to sleep because my sit was so cramped. The flight attendants made it so much better!! They were so kind and fed us all the way there! They were constantly working, bringing us drinks and snacks and slippers...and all the time their makeup and hair were perfect. I mean absolutely perfect. One hour after I get ready in the morning I already looked frazzled...but even after more than fourteen hours of travel these girls looked like they just woke up! I was very impressed. :)

So I finally arrive in Seoul, Korea, than my next step is to get my bags, get on a bus to the domestic airport and fly to Busan. Now I was worried about this the whole flight. I was going to be tired, surrounded by people and signs I didn't understand and a flight I couldn't miss because than I would be stranded in a very large, strange city with no contacts. Surprisingly, I made it just fine without any problem. People are friendly and want to help...especially a lots little American like me.

When I got there I had dinner with the school manager, Liz, and her friend Brian. Liz's English is very good. We understood each other very well (sigh of relief), although I'm still wondering if I said some really stupid things because I was so tired. I think I rambled on a little, but I don't think she understood everything I said. Her friend Brian was very nice, but did not talk very much with me. I know he understood English more than he would say. I'm slowly discovering this to be true about many Koreans. It's not that they don't understand, it's that they feel very uncomfortable speaking English.

Next I finally made it to my motel, well I nicknamed it 'love motel.' And it was exactly how it sounds. You know, here in America, those lovely little motels all over our country that are used for...well...not exactly a motel suitable for family vacation? That's what this hotel was...literally...Liz was joking about it later on. It just happened to be the closest motel to the school. The school is surrounded by shopping areas...businesses...other private schools...and apartments. A nicer hotel was too far away. The hotel, or motel, wasn't anything I pictured, but honestly, I was too tired to care. I would only be there for three I didn't care. There is a video on my facebook if you would like to see what it looked like. Honestly, it wasn't bad....I couldn't sleep a wink...but really it was because everything was new...not really because of the hotel.

More later!!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

I'm Going to Be Like Everybody Else and Discuss...Valentine's Day

So, instead of studying like I'm supposed to be doing, I read my sisters' blogs...they are probably in shock. They both wrote about Valentine's Day...and they are both single, just like me. I think we are just too awesome for the 'ball and chain' right now. :)

Honestly, I have never felt much attraction to Valentine's Day. I don't hate it, or like it. I'm indifferent really. I do think it's a waste of trees, but not of chocolate. :) It's a made up holiday with no concrete beginning. There is not much known about the actual person. In fact, it may not be an actual person, but a group of saints with the same name that were martyred for their faith. All the romantic junk was thrown in the High Middle Ages by poets. Man, we've strayed far. Now it's cupid, candy hearts, balloons, seems like love has thrown up in every store...well, imitations of love that is...a Hollywood Love that seems more like a slight attraction than real love.

And on this day, there is always a good romantic comedy fresh at the box office. It gets me thinking about being single vs. being married. My opinion has definitely changed over the years. The concept of marriage used to freak me out. But I've realized it's not really marriage that scares me, it's the mistake of marrying the wrong person. It's the challenge of marriage that is scary. If I get married, I will be with that one person for the rest of my life. Crap. That's a huge deal. One I do not take lightly. So, for now, I am single. And honestly, I'm very happy about it. I've always loved being single. It is an advantage. I'm in no hurry to change it.

Valentine's Day also makes me think about the idea of soul mates. I have always heard that God has someone for me, I just have to wait. I have always hated that belief. And I don't plan on waiting around for some guy.  It seems so stupid to me. If you want to bring religion into it, than look at the Bible. No where does it talk about soul mates. I do not believe there is just one person for me. I see that as limiting my options. No thanks. I don't have another 'half' trying to find me. I think I'm whole just like I am. In fact, parts of the New Testament encourages staying single. Now, that is something you never hear in church.

The idea of soul mates takes the power out of your hands and gives it to fate. That's ridiculous. I'm not trying to get into the idea of destiny, God's will, blah, blah. I just think marriage, or any committed relationship, is beautiful on its own without messing it up with 'soul mate' crap. It's the commitment that makes that bond strong. It's choosing another person over yourself everyday, living with them, loving and fighting with them...that's beautiful. And I got a good parents. Goodness gracious, they are so very different from each other. Seriously. But they're the very core.

Now that is the real love that I'm talking about. It's that kind of love that can't really be explained, or even expressed in one day...or in one card...or with a box of chocolates. In fact, the martyrs of their faith expressed this kind of love better than any candy heart.

So, whether you hate it...or love it, we got Valentine's Day. Whether single or not, celebrate all relationships!!

And if anything, I hope it reminded you of what's truly beautiful in the world...

These Shining Lives

I always seem to have so many of my little 'writing ideas,' but never seem to actually write them down. So I'm attempting to do better now. I have been meaning to share an experience I had last November, but when I thought about it my thoughts got jumbled. I do that a lot by the way. Anyways...

I got to be in a play called 'These Shining Lives' at the local community college. It wasn't a big production. It was only shared by a few hundred of this town. Of course, for me, that was part of the charm. I love that theatre is for the present moment. It is not a film that you can watch over and over again. It is for this night, and the next....until the run of the show is over and only memories remain. Of course, most plays are video taped. I never liked that. It ruins the theatre experience. Theatre was never meant to be permanent art, like a statue. It is fleeting art. It is over before you realize it. Just like life. (Okay, sorry, got on my soapbox for a moment.)

The play was about a group of women that lived in the 1920s in Ottawa, Illinois. It was a true story. I played Catherine Donohue. They worked at the Radium Dial Company where they painted numbers on watch faces. They used a special radium powder to make the numbers glow. The women started getting sick. They tried going to the company doctor, but he only gave them pain medication and told them to rest. In fact, every doctor in town has the same diagnosis. Finally they found a doctor in Chicago who told them the truth. My character, Catherine, discovered she was going to die. She, and her friends, took the company to court. After years in court, she won...but died 21 days later.

Yes, I know, this sounds completely depressing. That may be one of the reasons why I liked this script. It was very real, gutsy, and poetic. I also got to play a woman who was so much stronger than I am. I know I didn't do her justice. I do not have the experience necessary right now, but I was blessed to get to know her. I remember reading the whole script for the first time. I realized that I would never want to live the life she did. It was simple; work and family. I personally don't want children...she had two. She lived in a small town...I cannot stop myself from dreaming big. But in the end, it doesn't matter. She had life, and then it was taken from her.

Catherine was 35. I'm 28 now. At my age, she was just beginning her fight that she would eventually lose. She was facing death. What if I was diagnosed with cancer tomorrow? How would I handle it? I still feel like I am waiting for life to start. I am still grasping who I am and trying desperately not to go crazy right now. Catherine loved her life exactly where she was. Yes, she broke down. Who wouldn't? But at the same time, I am not half the woman she was at her very weakest. Playing Catherine was difficult. But I loved it.

It reminded me why I love theatre. It brought back my desire to be on stage. Sometimes I feel more alive up there than anywhere else. And no, I am not the best. Not even freakin' close. But considering how short life is, does it really matter? I've realized I have gotten more out of theatre than I could ever give back. I got to meet this wonderful woman who breathed, ate, slept, cried, laughed, loved...I wish I could be more like her.

The play also reminded me that time is against us. We don't have much of it. I feel like I forget that every single day. If I could only remember that. Death is before us. It is inescapable.

Our life is made up of time...and it's just ticking away.